Powerful Remedies for Chemotherapy Side Effects

Dealing with the side effects of Chemotherapy is huge distraction from the business of doing what you should to support and expedite healing from cancer. You now have a another set of issues many of which can leave you feeling down.

Take heart.. this too shall pass. The worst days are usually 2 - 3 days after treatment.

CAUTION: Make sure to talk to a nutritionist (contact me for a referral) to make sure there are no possible Drug-Nutrient interactions with your particular prescriptions.

Preparing for Chemo Treatment

I cannot emphasize how helpful it is to ask a supportive friend or upbeat family member to go with you to your infusion appointment. Not that you can't do it alone, but it’s a good way to lift your mood and therefore the effectiveness of treatment.

Your mind-set, attitude, and thoughts before and during a chemo treatment influence your body’s chemistry in either a helpful or detrimental way.
You can choose calm, confident and upbeat thoughts that trust treatment is working to heal you, or fear, worry and doubt that they may not. The power our thoughts have on our chemistry is tremendous. Harness the power of your mind by visualizing yourself doing what you love 5 years out.. healthy, strong and full of energy. There are many studies and testimonials about such tactics that directly improved outcome.

Watch funny videos or TV shows during treatment and after!  Laughter boosts your immune function as well as relaxes you so treatments work better. You could have your nurse tape an image of a heart, or a healing, religious or spiritual symbol that is meaningful to you on the chemo bag.  Why not infuse the contents with divine energy?

ICE WATER, a MUST: Be sure take a large thermos or two of ICE COLD water, or mineral water with a splash lemon, and a container of ICE. Drinking this during treatment helps limit damage to your gut, by contracting the blood vessels. This way you won’t compromise your ability to absorb nutrients from food. And lemon helps keep your liver happy.

Weight loss / Nausea

It's very important to maintain your weight during treatment. Although it's difficult to think of food when you're nauseous or when everything tastes like cardboard, you'll have to force yourself a little.

Cancer is called a 'wasting' disease, so address any symptom that keeps you from eating well. Controlling nausea is a high priority.

  • Eat small amounts of food all day long instead of large meals

  • Drink plenty of tea, water and lemonade (sweetened with a bit of stevia not sugar). Don't get dehydrated!

  • Don't wait until you're hungry to eat... have a snack every couple of hours... sliced apple with a little almond butter, rye crackers with hummus, a pear, almond cheese on whole grain organic toast, etc.

  • Don't eat fatty foods the day of or after Chemo treatments.

  • For Breakfast, have gluten free, fiber rich toast with a sprinkle of cinnamon, whole grain organic crackers with a thin slice of rice or almond cheese, or a boiled egg. You don't want liquids first thing on days you're dealing with nausea.

  • Ginger ale (low sugar, like Reed's brand at health food stores) or bubbly mineral water with a squeeze of lemon can help settle your stomach.

  • You may have a bitter taste in your mouth up to a week after treatment. Sucking on a lemon wedge sprinkled lightly with sea salt, or swishing salted water in your mouth helps. Spicy or tangy foods also help. Find out what works for you, and hold fast to the thought that this is TEMPORARY!

  • Oral ZINC supplements can help restore your sense of smell and taste.

  • Fresh air, and sitting upright help minimize nausea.

  • Avoid smoking or smokers.

  • Avoid strong cooking odors. I found a few of these really bothered me. Even some dish soaps were intolerable!

  • Schedule weekly acupuncture or massage treatments, they help tremendously with symptoms and moving the toxins out of your body.

Foods that Soothe Nausea:

  • Broths

  • Diluted juice (apple or grape) not acidic juices

  • Club soda or mineral water with a hint of lime or a mint leaf

  • Fruit smoothies, no dairy

  • Oatmeal

  • Toast

  • Ginger tea

  • Mashed banana

  • Cream of rice

Boost your Calorie intake:
You don’t want to lose weight. Keep up your protein.

  • Tahini (has protein and boosts white blood cell count)

  • Coconut milk

  • Almond butter

  • Dry roasted Nuts (almonds, walnuts and pecans) not peanuts

  • Avocado

  • Pea protein mixed in cool water, between meals

  • Nuts and seeds like sunflower and pumpkin

  • High omega-3 eggs

  • Organic Olive oil for salads and sauces

  • Coconut oil

Moderate walking a half hour before you eat will help with symptoms and stimulate appetite.


Most people experience various degrees of fatigue during Chemo which impacts their ability to resume normal life activities. Fortunately, the reasons for the fatigue are known, and can be targeted with Supplements and foods.

L-Carnitine: 750grams, 2x a day in water.  Suggested brands are Ecological Formula's powder version, and Designs for Health 'Carniclear' liquid.
You want to increase foods that are high in potassium, which is depleted during Chemo and can contribute to Fatigue.

Try to have several servings of these a day:

  • Avocado

  • Low-sodium V8 juice

  • Prune juice

  • Yams

  • Acorn squash

  • Portabella mushrooms

  • Butternut squash

  • Medium banana (under-ripe, no spots)


Foods to avoid:

  • Dairy products

  • High-fiber foods (whole grains, flax seeds, green leafy veggies...)

  • Fried or fatty foods

  • Spicy food

  • Seeds and nuts

  • Desserts

  • Raw veggies and fruit

  • Caffeinated drinks (except unsweetened black tea)

  • Beans

  • Dried fruits

Just like when our kids were little, it's best to follow the BRATT diet until your bowels are happy again:

  • Bananas (no brown spots on skin)

  • Rice

  • Applesauce

  • Toast

  • Tea, black no sugar

P.S. In the Middle East we advise boiled rice with a little plain low-fat yogurt to cure diarrhea, and it works every time. I think the active cultures in yogurt are responsible.

Supplements to support the GI tract:

L-Glutamine: this is another supplement that I took religiously during treatment.  Not only does it heal the lining of your gastrointestinal lining, it helps wounds heal faster. So if you have any kind of surgery, make sure you have glutamine powder around to help. Mix 30 or 40 grams of Glutamine powder with slightly cold water or apple juice and sip slowly. It is tasteless. It is most effective if taken between meals.

Carob: Buy raw carob powder, and mix 1 Tbs. with unsweetened rice or coconut milk for a treat and a cure! Can be cold or warm (but not hot).

Tannalbit: (500mg cap, 3-4 caps 3x/day) A tannin-rich plant extract that has remarkable anti-diarrheal and cancer inhibiting properties.

If you feel you need more immediate relief, over the counter medications like Immodium or Maalox are an option.


Another possible side effect depending on the drugs being used for Chemo, or a side effect of the anti-nausea drugs.

You want to increase your intake of insoluble fiber:

  • Nuts

  • Popcorn (low-fat)

  • Supplemental fiber - fresh ground flax seeds mixed into foods or drinks, or oat bran fiber mixed into oatmeal or coconut yogurt

  • Dried prunes and figs

Exercise will help as well as taking a daily dose of probiotics with guaranteed 50+ billion active cultures.  Keep in refrigerator. It is advisable to take probiotics for at least a year after Chemo.

Chewing (xylitol sweetened) gum triggers our brain to send a message to our bowel.

According to a study people were given chewing gum 3x a day after colon resection surgery, and their intestines recovered faster and they were able to have bowel movements sooner than patients who did not chew gum! (Meta-analysis of Randomized Studies Evaluating Chewing Gum to Enhance Postoperative Recovery Following Colectomy; Sanjay Purkayastha, BSc, MRCS; Henry S. Tilney, MRCS; Ara W. Darzi, MD, FRCS, KBE, FMedSci; Paris P. Tekkis, MD, FRCS)

Foods to Avoid:

  • Simple carbs

  • Carob

  • Rice Milk

  • Calcium

  • Bananas

  • Black Tea


Sleep: Make sure you're able to rest well and get enough sleep. It actually helps your ability to deal with pain.

Vitamin D: A link has been made between low Vitamin D levels and pain. Studies have shown that supplementing with Vitamin D reduces pain from bone metastases and improves muscle strength.

Vitamin C: Depending on your chemo drugs, you may or may not be able to take high doses of Vitamin C, but if your nutritionist (someone who is well versed with oncology and drug interactions) says you can, then work up to 3000+mg a day, 1,000 mg at a time. Trials have shown Vitamin C reduces pain after bone fractures.

Studies on therapeutic levels of  Vitamin C, and Pain: Use of antioxidants to treat pain in chronic pancreatitis

Foods that help:

  • Blueberries

  • Onions

  • Ginger

  • Garlic

  • Blackberries

  • Cherries

Foods to Avoid:

  • Alcohol

  • Caffeine

  • Sugar and artificial sweeteners

  • Tobacco

  • Potatoes and peppers

  • Foods that cause allergies

Herbal remedies like this one are also promising: A Chinese Herbal Formula for the Treatment of Pain and Associated Symptoms of Cancer.

Brain fog (chemo brain)

The following exercises and mind-body approaches may help promote cognitive health, reduce stress and improve overall well-being:

  • Aerobic exercise: Activities like walking, jogging, cycling, or swimming can enhance blood flow to the brain, promote neuroplasticity, and support cognitive function.

  • Resistance (strength) training: With weights or resistance bands can improve overall physical health, which can positively impact cognitive abilities.

  • Mind-body exercises: Activities that focus on balance and coordination, like Yoda and Tai Chi help with cognitive processing and enhance body-mind connections.

  • Mindfulness meditation: Can reduce stress and anxiety and promote mental clarity and focus.

  • Exercising your brain with puzzles, playing an instrument, or learning a new hobby can help.

Low White Blood Count

Take note of your WBC test results. Your oncologist will most likely keep track of your count and give you a shot if needed before treatment, but there is much you can do to keep your level up.

Astragalus Root was prescribed for me , and I still take it. It has a long history in Chinese medicine for immune health.  Thanks to this herbal formula I didn't have a problem with my White Blood Count during treatment, which is a common side effect.

Another helpful supplement is Esberitox, which combines three powerful immune boosting herbs; Thuja, Echinacea, and Wild Indigo. The pills are chewable and taste like caramel!

Platelet Support

I mentioned Tahini above. This is a tasty way to help your platelet count. Make hummus heavy with Tahini, or drizzle 1 - 2 Tbs. mixed with lemon juice on salads. I love tahini spread on bread with a sprinkle of cinnamon!

Foods that can help

  • Hi Omega3 Eggs

  • Sardines

  • Organic, grass-fed beef

  • Onions

  • Garlic

  • Asparagus

  • Watercress

  • Broccoli and Cabbage

Take Care of Your Liver

Your liver will be vulnerable during Chemo, as it processes all those toxins, so you'll need to pay extra care to keeping it as healthy as possible.

Start your day with a glass of lemon water (1 lemon squeezed into 8 oz. of water).

Some things you can do to help the toxins move out of your system, and take some of the load off your liver are:

  • Drink 6 - 8 glasses of water a day. (squeeze lemon into each)

  • Moderate exercise, walking 25 - 30 minutes a day

  • Deep breathing several times a day

  • Eat nuts, seeds, cruciferous vegetables, apples, vinegar, carrot juice, greens and artichokes


Be Well! ♥