Health Warning : Adya Clarity Detox Liquid

Adya Clarity detox liquid contains Aluminum, Sulfuric acid

TUCSON, Ariz. (March 25, 2013) - The non-profit Consumer Wellness Center ( has issued a consumer health warning over Adya Clarity, a "detox" product that was seized by the FDA in 2012 and tested at over 1200ppm aluminum.

The product is currently being marketed through a series of highly deceptive webinars that claim almost magical powers for the product. In reality, the product is primarily made of metals dissolved in sulfuric acid, and it was imported into the United States using the description "battery acid" on import documents.

Adya Clarity's two most prominent metals are aluminum and iron. The manufacturer of Adya Clarity intentionally and deliberately refused to list aluminum on the label, instead listing beneficial trace elements such as magnesium.

Here's the chemical breakdown of Adya Clarity, as tested by the FDA after they seized the product:

• Aluminum average 1040 ppm • Iron average 1070 ppm • Sulfuric acid average .927 % • Lead .012 ppm • Arsenic .027 ppm

The marketing of Adya Clarity is based on a parlor trick of pouring an acidic liquid containing dissolved metals into a glass of water, which is more alkaline.

The sudden shift in alkalinity causes particles (metals) to appear in the water. This is described by the deceptive marketers as a "cleaning" of the water.

Promoters of Adya Clarity, which include Matt Bakos and Kacper Postawski, claim that when the product is consumed internally, it pulls metals out of your body. In reality, the product introduces potentially toxic levels of non-organic iron and aluminum into your body.


Adya Clarity response: Label to be modified for full transparency, no internal use marketing without clinical proof (updated)

~ Be Well!

Critical Functions of Vitamin D

the importance of certain vitamins and minerals in cancer inhibition and better prognosis.

What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is technically not a vitamin. It is the name given to a group of fat-soluble prohormones (substances that are precursors to hormones that usually have little hormonal activity by themselves). This supplement must be taken with K2, to direct the calcium it builds into bone only.

Two major forms of vitamin D that are important to humans are vitamin D2, or ergocalciferol, and vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol. Vitamin D2 is made naturally by plants, and vitamin D3 is made naturally by the body when the skin is exposed to ultraviolet radiation (in particular, UVB radiation) in sunlight. Vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 can also be commercially manufactured.

The active form of vitamin D in the body is 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. It is involved in a number of processes that are essential for good health, including the following:

  • It helps improve muscle strength and immune function.

  • It helps reduce inflammation, (critical for Cancer).

  • It promotes the absorption of calcium from the small intestine.

  • It helps maintain adequate blood levels of the calcium and phosphate needed for bone formation, incorporating minerals to increase strength and density, growth, and repair.

For years, Life Extension has been exploring the potentially devastating consequences of vitamin D deficiency, ranging from cardiovascular disease to cancer. Now in this report, Life Extension magazine examines the link between low levels of plasma vitamin D and autism. At the forefront of this research is Dr. John J. Cannell, executive director of the Vitamin D Council and a forensic psychiatrist at Atascadero State Hospital in California.

The stunning findings suggest that rampant vitamin D deficiency is causally related to brain dysfunction, and may be readily preventable by adequate supplementation.

An epidemic of autism appears to be underway in the United States. According to several respected leaders in child and adult nutrition from across the United States, the current meteoric rise in autism and autism spectrum disorders (ASD) may well be a direct consequence of significant vitamin D deficiencies in pregnant women and their infants.  And evidence points to vitamin D deficiency as the cause of other debilitating brain conditions as well.  This insidious deficiency is readily remedied--yet tragically often missed. 

Read More Here...

Most people get the vitamin D they need through sunlight exposure. It can also be obtained through the diet, but very few foods naturally contain vitamin D. Those that do include fatty fish, fish liver oil, and eggs. 

Most dietary vitamin D comes from fortified foods, such as milk, juices, yogurt, bread, and breakfast cereals. Vitamin D can also be obtained through dietary supplements.

How Vitamin D Reduces the Risk of Cancer

The mechanisms by which vitamin D reduces the risk of cancer are fairly well understood. They include enhancing calcium absorption (in the case of colorectal cancer) [Lamprecht and Lipkin, 2003], inducing cell differentiation, increasing cancer cell apoptosis or death, reducing metastasis and proliferation, and reducing angiogenesis [van den Bemd and Chang, 2002].

In addition, Vitamin D3 down-regulates parathyroid hormone (PTH) [Chapuy et al., 1987]. IGF-I has been implicated in the pathogenesis of human cancer. Since IGF-I stimulates tumor growth and high quantities are a consequence of the standard American diet [Grant, 2002a; 2004], vitamin D can be considered one partial antidote to the American diet.

How Much Vitamin D is needed?

Each person responds differently to UVB exposure and oral intake of vitamin D depending on such factors as skin pigmentation, body mass index (vitamin D is fat soluble), age, condition of digestive tract, other dietary factors, etc.

Dietary vitamin D is insufficient alone to significantly reduce the risk of most cancers since the ingested amounts, up to 200 to 400 I.U. per day, are too low [Grant and Garland, in press]. Evidently, 600 to 1000 I.U per day are required to reduce the risk of vitamin-D-sensitive cancers, except possibly prostate cancer, for which population-average values of serum 25(OH)D are associated with the minimum risk [Tuohimaa et al., 2004; Grant, in press].

The current understanding is that serum 25(OH)D levels should be in the 50 to 70 ng/ml range for cancer prevention and optimal health. The only way to determine one’s 25(OH)D levels is through a blood test.

NOTE: Taking Melatonin supplements allows a reduced dose of Vit. D since they produce a 20 to 100-fold INCREASE in the sensitivity of Breast Cancer cells to Vit. D. This is why periodic blood test to determine Vit. D (25 Hydroxy) level is important.


  1. Chapuy MC, Chapuy P, Meunier PJ. Calcium and vitamin D supplements: effects on calcium metabolism in elderly people. Am J Clin Nutr. 1987;46:324-8.

  2. Devesa SS, Grauman DJ, Blot WJ, Pennello GA, Hoover RN, Fraumeni JF Jr., Atlas of Cancer Mortality in the United States, 1950-1994. NIH Publication No. 99-4564, 1999. website (accessed March 3, 2004).

  3. Doll R, Peto R. The causes of cancer: quantitative estimates of avoidable risks of cancer in the United States today. J Natl Cancer Inst. 1981;66:1191-308.

  4. Garland CF, Garland FC. Do sunlight and vitamin D reduce the likelihood of colon cancer? Int J Epidemiol. 1980;9:227-31.

  5. Garland C, Shekelle RB, Barrett-Connor E, Criqui MH, Rossof AH, Paul O. Dietary vitamin D and calcium and risk of colorectal cancer: a 19-year prospective study in men. Lancet. 1985;1:307-9.

  6. Grant WB. An estimate of premature cancer mortality in the United States due to inadequate doses of solar ultraviolet-B radiation, Cancer, 2002b;94:1867-75.

  7. Grant WB. A multicountry ecologic study of risk and risk reduction factors for prostate cancer mortality. Eur Urol. 2004;45:371-9.

~ Be Well. ♥

In the News: Integrative Medicine: Antioxidants and Chemotherapy

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Antioxidants and Chemotherapy

By Drs. Kay judge and Maxine Barish-Wreden

Published: Thursday, May. 31, 2012

Inflammation, and the use of antioxidants to put out inflammatory fires, is a hot topic these days. What do we mean by inflammation?

Inflammation is a natural and necessary response in the body whenever we are accosted by harmful germs or when we injure ourselves. When this occurs, our immune system steps in to fight foreign invaders and to bring our body back into balance so that we can heal.

Inflammatory chemicals are produced during this process, which can be harmful to our tissues, but antioxidants in our foods, such as vitamins C and E, help to quell this response and restore order to our tissues.

Inflammation can run amok, however, and cause persistent damage to healthy tissue, especially if we smoke or if we are overweight or obese. Chemotherapy drugs that are used to treat cancer also produce severe inflammation in the body, and this particular inflammatory response helps to kill off cancer cells. But it also harms healthy tissue in the process.

Many oncologists have been fearful of having their patients take any antioxidants during chemotherapy for fear that antioxidants might reduce the effectiveness of the chemo.

In a recent article in the journal Alternative and Complementary Therapies, Dr. Keith Block, a renowned integrative cancer specialist affiliated with the University of Illinois, discussed his review of more than 2,300 studies on the use of antioxidants during chemotherapy, and his report is very reassuring.

In summary, antioxidants often help to reduce side effects from chemotherapy, and this may allow patients to complete their full course of medication without interruption, which itself leads to better outcomes. Certain antioxidants also enhance the effectiveness of chemotherapy, reduce long-term toxicity and improve survival.

Not a single study reviewed by Block showed any evidence of antioxidants interfering with the effectiveness of chemotherapy. In fact, a recent article looking at the impact of antioxidants in Chinese women undergoing treatment for invasive breast cancer found that use of antioxidant vitamin supplements in the first six months after diagnosis resulted in a reduced risk of both mortality and cancer recurrence.

Other studies have suggested survival benefit in certain cancers when patients take melatonin, as well as reduced toxicity from chemo with the use of glutathione and coenzyme Q10 among others.

So, if you are affected by cancer, what should you be thinking about to protect yourself during and after chemotherapy? First and foremost, begin by eating a super-healthful, plant-based diet that is loaded with dark-colored fruits and veggies so that you maximize your intake of antioxidants from your food, which is the most powerful way to get them.

You can also consider supplementing your diet with some of the more powerful antioxidants, such as fish oil, coenzyme Q10, vitamin C, vitamin E and selenium, though we recommend that you meet with an integrative cancer specialist first so that you can determine which supplements are ideal for you, given your particular tumor as well as your treatment regimen.

And for those of you who have been affected by cancer, either because you or a loved one have faced this disease, there is a conference coming to Sacramento in September that you should know about. It's titled "Cancer as a Turning Point, From Surviving to Thriving," and it is a gathering of some of the best and most inspiring experts in this business.

Cancer as a Turning Point is sponsored by the non-profit organization Healing Journeys, whose vision is that everyone touched by cancer or any life-altering condition be empowered to move from surviving to thriving. This conference is usually offered in two cities across the country every year.  The conference is free to all attendees, though donations are greatly appreciated to offset the cost, and donations are also tax-deductible. For more information, and to register, go to

And for more information on an integrative approach to cancer treatment, look at Block's 2009 book "Life Over Cancer" (Bantam, $28, 608 pages) or Alschuler's gem that she co-wrote with Karolyn Gazella, "The Definitive Guide to Cancer: An Integrative Approach to Prevention, Treatment, and Healing" (Celestial Arts, $25, 496 pages), now in its third edition.

~ Be Well! ♥

Astaxanthin - A Gift from the Sea

The great variety of plants, herbs, roots and food which have been discovered to contain powerful plant chemicals is truly astounding. Astaxanthin, a compound found in plants such as algae and animals such as salmon and krill, an ocean dwelling crustacean similar to shrimp, is one of those compounds. It is a member of a group of plant pigments called carotenoids and is therefore related to such compounds as beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene and vitamin A.

These pigments are highly antioxidative and some of them are functionally important in vision and eye health.

Protection from oxidative damage: Due to astaxanthin’s unique structure, it can actually insert itself into a cell membrane where it can then effectively perform its role as protector of that membrane from reactive oxygen species (ROS).

As oxidative damage can be a mechanism for the development of a variety of disease processes, astaxanthin could prove to be useful in many clinical applications.

Endothelial dysfunction is a common aspect of the process that eventually can lead to cardiovascular disease. In models of hypertension in stroke prone laboratory animals, astaxanthin has been shown to not only improve endothelial function but also display antithrombotic and antihypertensive properties, thus decreasing risk factors associated with heart disease pathophysiology. Astaxanthin also improved insulin resistance, the common predecessor or diabetes.

Additionally, in a human study, this red colored, lipid soluble pigment also increased HDL while significantly reducing triglycerides, therefore addressing other risk factors in cardiovascular disease.

Exercise and athletics: Improved sports performance and athletic capacity has been an interesting facet of astaxanthin research. For instance, in competitive cyclists, astaxanthin ingestion was associated with significant improvements in time trials as well as power output.

Muscle endurance and strength also improved with its supplementation.

Oxidative stress can be a significant issue in overweight and obese individuals as they have a higher capacity of generating lipid peroxidation than those of typical body composition. Throw in exercise and the incidence of oxidative damage dramatically increases in this population. Astaxanthin was able to decrease lipid peroxidation and various markers in this vulnerable segment of society.

Boosting immune function: Improved immune function and immune response are also beneficial effects of astaxanthin supplementation where it stimulated cell-mediated and humoral immune function in lab animals, while in another study it modulated inflammatory cytokines, including IL-1β, IL-6, and cyclooxygenase (COX)-2, thus inhibiting colitis and colitis-associated colon carcinogenesis.

Neuroprotection: Finally, astaxanthin has demonstrated possible neuroprotective properties as well suggesting it may be useful in those with potential to develop neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s or dementia.  by Michael Fuhrman D.C.



In addition to its rich phospholipids, omega–3s, and astaxanthin, XanthOmega™ also naturally contains several other antioxidants including, canthaxanthin, β–carotene, vitamin E and trans–retinol vitamin A. These antioxidants offer benefits of their own while also protecting this nutrient–dense oil from oxidation.

Designs for Health's XanthOmega™ Krill Oil is made using a unique cold–extraction process that converts it into stable oil. This process protects the lipids from alteration and avoids peroxidation. It is free of heavy metals and organohalide pollutants, making it extremely pure. This product does not cause reflux or regurgitation commonly experienced by those consuming regular fish oil supplements.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Fortified with increased levels of astaxanthin for expanded health benefits

The amount of the powerful antioxidant astaxanthin in XanthOmega™ Krill Oil has been increased from 1.5 mg to 12 mg per serving to help achieve optimal benefits from this potent carotenoid.

What are Krill?  Krill are tiny crustaceans found in the sea and make up the world's largest animal biomass. The oil extracted from krill is rich in the omega–3 fatty acids EPA and DHA.

This updated version is considered to be a virgin krill oil, the purest form available, with higher phospholipid bioavailability, enhancing the absorption of one of krill's shining features, the powerful antioxidant astaxanthin.

In summary, many studies suggest that the benefits of this level of astaxanthin may include:

  1. Powerful antioxidant
  2. Cardiovascular health – helping to promote healthy lipid profiles; potential anti–hypertensive
  3. Sports performance – increasing muscle endurance and reducing exercise–induced muscle damage
  4. Eye support – Reducing eye fatigue and improving visual acuity[5]
  5. Supporting skin health – protecting against UVA–induced aging, as in skin sagging and wrinkles
  6. Anti–inflammatory
  7. Gastric health support – helping to reduce gastric inflammation and reflux symptoms

CAUTION: This product contains Krill Oil. DO NOT take if you are allergic to Shellfish.

"Chemo Brain" and Cancer Related Fatigue - Remedies

Suffering from Cancer Related Fatigue? Chemo Brain? Decrease your Cancer Fatigue by taking control of inflammation.

I take 2 - 4 Curcumin capsules a day to lower inflammation, as well as Reservatrol, and I add a few drops of Astragalus tincture if needed.


High inflammation equals promotion of Cancer fatigue, Cancer growth and Cancer recurrence. Research shows that many herbal medicines can lower pro-inflammatory factors fueling this common side effect of hormone therapy. Below are six herbs that may transform exhaustion into vitality.

One of many reasons we "feel sick" and experience fatigue is due to elevated levels of pro-inflammatory factors. By lowering the levels of these damaging factors we can transform fatigue into well-being, enhance vitality and quality of life and mitigate inflammation related pain.

Inflammation is a fact of cancer and contributes to one of the most common complaints of cancer patients and cancer survivors, Cancer Related Fatigue, a distressing and persistent sense of physical and emotional tiredness as well as reduced mental clarity and alertness. Cancer survivors complain of inability to focus and concentrate, poor memory, inability to think clearly as well as sadness and depression, symptoms of Chemo Brain.

Cancer Fatigue is a common side effect experienced by breast cancer patients undergoing hormone therapy.

Studies have shown that Cancer Fatigue is linked to increased levels of two inflammatory molecules produced by our cells: Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (TNFa) and Interleukin 6 (IL-6). Increased inflammation contributes to a sense of malaise, lethargy, muscle tenderness and even Lowering TNFa and IL-6 also have been shown to decrease depression and lethargy. Here are six potent herbal medicines, supported by research which demonstrates a decrease these pro-inflammatory factors. You can reduce fatigue, lower disease progression and have less anxiety about recurrence.


Research shows that the following herbs and spices lower TNFa and IL6 and can improve normal inflammatory function and relieve symptoms associated with Cancer Related Fatigue.

1. Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) one of the great medicinal mushrooms of Chinese Medicine traditionally used in many anti cancer and immune modulating formulas. New research demonstrates its ability to lower TNFa and IL6, thus improving Cancer Fatigue.

Grape 2

2. Resveratrol a plant constituent found in red and purple grapes and concentrated from the herb Polygonum cuspidatum. Studies show that Resveratrol is able to turn on genes in the cell linked to longevity and immune function. Immune regulation includes this ability to turn off genes that create inflammation.

3. Astragalus Root is a well-known Chinese Herb traditionally used to support vitality and is found in many anti cancer and immune modulating formulas. Astragalus root is often added to soups to for its nourishing and healing properties.

4. Milk Thistle Seed Extract Milk Thistle has been used traditionally thistlenot only for its value in enhancing normal inflammation function. It has also been used traditionally to support normal liver detoxification function, lowering our body burden of toxic chemicals which is also linked to tiredness, fatigue and a loss of well-being.

5. Ginseng Root (Panax Ginseng) is a well-known Chinese botanical medicine used for centuries for its restorative properties. Modern science has demonstrated its ability to lower TNFa and IL6, linked to improved energy and relief from these causes of cancer fatigue.

6. Schizandra, The Fruit of Five Flavors, one of the great tonics of Chinese Medicine not only lowers causes of inflammation, but is also rich in plant anti-oxidants which also protect our cells and our genes (DNA) from damage. Reducing DNA damage and protecting our genes is one of the primary ways to limit cancer.

The Pharmacy in Your Kitchen

You can also fight cancer in the kitchen by using culinary spices and herbs that also lower Pro-Inflammatory TNFa and IL6. Such an Anti-Cancer Anti-Inflammatory diet might also include the liberal use of oregano, rosemary, garlic, tumeric, ginger and green tea also rich in cell protective anti-oxidants.

Herbal Medicines may be made into tea or taken as herbal extracts or herbal powders dissolved into water or taken in capsules and tablets.

Always consult with a health care provider knowledgeable in the safe and appropriate use of herbal medicines. (Contact me here for a referral).

Using high quality pharmaceutical grade herbal medicines is the best way to insure expected results. Be patient. Herbal medicines work in the rhythm of nature. It takes several weeks to yield sustainable changes.

If you are concerned about unhealthy levels of inflammatory factors in your body, you can ask your doctor to measure not only TNFa and IL6 as well as HS-CRP (C Reactive Protein).

After you have incorporated foods and herbs that support healthy levels of these inflammation factors and lowered your intake of pro-inflammatory foods, you can re-test to see how well you are doing.

by Dr. Nalini Chilkov

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Dr. Nalini Chilkov is a well known expert and leader in the field of Integrative Health and Alternative Cancer Care. She has developed a system which combines the best of modern science and wellness medicine.  This system is based on individualized care and a model of natural health and longevity for cancer patients and cancer survivors. Visit to learn more.

That Cheeky Curcumin (aka Turmeric) is in the News

I love how frequently the foods we secretly know are excellent for preventing several serious illnesses, due to overwhelming testimony over decades of use, get 'discovered' by the news media, and featured. It may take the rest of the world a while to catch up with us, but the war is won a small battle at a time.  :D


Curry may help to boost the chances of fighting bowel cancer, according to researchers in the UK.

Laboratory tests suggest curcumin, a compound found in the yellow spice turmeric, can increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy.

Curcumin has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and has traditionally been used as an alternative remedy for a host of illnesses.

Now early test results suggest it may be able to reduce the development of bowel cancer.

The studies began after it was noticed that British Asians -- referring to Indians and Pakistanis -- were significantly less likely to develop the disease than non-Asians.

Now a two-year trial by scientists from Cancer Research UK and the University of Leicester aims to recruit for further tests about 40 patients with bowel cancer that has spread to the liver.

"We are very hopeful. You don't often see results like the ones we have had in the laboratory," chief investigator Professor Will Steward said.

"Certainly it is very, very promising and we are cautiously optimistic that we might see an improvement in outcome not just in terms of treating the cancer, making people live longer, giving people a better quality of life but also possibly reducing some of the nasty side-effects of chemotherapy."

Researchers hope that within three years they will have established once-and-for-all that one of our favorite curry ingredients is helping to prevent bowel cancer.

Hoda says: Why wait?? Eat more curries and stews with turmeric now!

Garbanzo Bean and Kale Salad
Thai Yellow Curry Paste
Read more here.
  ~ Be Well.

Lower Blood Sugar with These Foods

Elevated blood sugar levels are associated with inflammation, tumor proliferation, decrease in immune function, and angiogenesis.

Angiogenesis plays a critical role in the growth and spread of cancer. A blood supply is necessary for tumors to grow beyond a few millimeters in size. Tumors can cause this blood supply to form by giving off chemical signals that stimulate angiogenesis.

Thankfully, there are many foods that help lower our blood sugar.  There are also tactics you can use to keep your blood sugar in check:

1. Avoid refined, low fiber carbs and sweets

2. Choose whole grain foods that offer more than 1-gram of fiber for every 10-grams of Carbs (the Good Carb Formula.)

3. Avoid eating carbs alone especially on an empty stomach! Add a protein or healthy fat to balance blood sugar (almond butter, coconut oil, sardines, light meat tuna, almond cream cheese,etc.)

Eat more of these. . .

  • Apples, Red with Peel
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • avocadoAvocados
  • Barley
  • Black Beans
  • Blueberries
  • Chamomile tea
  • Chard
  • Cherries
  • Cinnamoncinnamon
  • Flax-seed Meal
  • Garlic
  • Goji Berries
  • Green tea
  • Leeks
  • Lemon
  • Parsley
  • Nuts
  • Oat Bran
  • Olive oilraspberry
  • Onions
  • Raspberries
  • Seeds
  • Sweet potato
  • Yams

~ Cheers!